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'''''[[#Record of Revisions|Revision 4]]
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'''''[[#Record of Revisions|Revision 10]]
Welcome to the Nuclear Engineering Central Wiki.  Links to individual Wiki's are below, broken out by department.  The [[Search | search function]] may also be used to search across all Wiki's.
Check back often, more links will be added as new Wiki's are completed.
Welcome to the central link to the wiki pages available from EPRI's Nuclear Engineering and Plant Performance Department.
EPRI's Nuclear Engineering and Plant Performance Department is comprised of three research programs:
* [https://membercenter.epri.com/programs/117997 Plant Reliability and Resilience (PRR) Program] - provides research supporting reliable and resilient operations of components, systems, and the nuclear plant, as a whole.  This work covers mechanical, electrical, and I&C and addresses maintenance, engineering, and programmatic guidance and best practices.
* [https://membercenter.epri.com/programs/06117 Risk and Safety Management (RSM) Program] - provides research addressing Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA/PSA), External Hazards, and Thermal-Hydraulic applications for nuclear plants.
* Operating Plant Initiatives (OPI) - includes major project initiatives that the plant may undertake during plant life such as Plant Modernization, Longterm Operations (LTO), and Power Uprates (PUR).
Links to individual wikis developed by each of these programs are provides below.  The [[Search | search function]] above can be used to search across all of these wikis.
=Plant Reliability and Resilience (PRR)=
The reliability and resilience of plant systems and components is critical to the safe and effective operation of all nuclear plants. The Plant Reliability and Resilience (PRR) Program encompasses a diverse set of research activities related to the mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation and control components and systems in use at nuclear power plants, along with the maintenance and engineering processes and programs that manage this equipment. As of 2024, EPRI’s Plant Reliability and Resilience Program includes all the research formally delivered by EPRI’s Nuclear Maintenance Application Center (NMAC), Plant Engineering (PE) Program, and Instrumentation and Control (I&C) Program and can be categorized into:
* PRR - Nuclear Maintenance / Active Components
* PRR - Balance of Plant (BOP) / Passive Components
* PRR - Electrical
* PRR - Instrumentation and Control (I&C)
* PRR - Equipment Reliability (ER) and Related Processes
* PRR - Procurement Processes
=PRR - Nuclear Maintenance / Active Components=
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'''[https://pra-apps.epri.com PRA Applications]'''</p>
'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/3D_Applications Component 3D Applications]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
The PRA Applications Wiki provides an introduction to the wide applications of PRA in the nuclear industry. This serves the needs of the global PRA community, providing a clear description, purpose, and rationale for each application. Both voluntary and regulatory PRA applications are described and this overview distinguishes those that require license-basis changes. References to more technical information provide a resource to expand your knowledge further.
EPRI 3D applications demonstrate the disassembly, reassembly, inspection and operation of specific power plant components. The applications consist of single mode or dual mode meaning they can be executed as a desktop application on a desktop/laptop computer and/or as a virtual reality (VR) application using a VR head-mounted display (HMD), such as the HTC VIVE.  
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[https://pra-apps.epri.com Read More]
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/3D_Applications Read More]
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'''[https://firepra.epri.com/index.php?title=Fire_PRA_Methodology Fire PRA]'''</p>
'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Valves Valves]'''</p>
Access: Public
Access: Member Only
The Fire PRA Wiki summarizes a structured framework for the conduct of a Fire PRA analysis. This supports your fire risk analysis team by providing an introduction to EPRI 1011989 / NUREG/CR-6850, updated with the latest information. The methodology addresses a Fire PRA that focuses on a Level 1 PRA (Core Damage Frequency) with consideration of Large Early Release Frequency. Additional references to specific recommended practices are provided, which address each key aspect of the analysis.
The Valve wiki provides basic entry level information related to common valve and actuators found in the nuclear industry. Descriptions are provided within as well as basic design and maintenance related information. EPRI technical reports are referenced within and include live links for quick access downloads.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://firepra.epri.com/index.php?title=Fire_PRA_Methodology Read More]
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Valves Read More]
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'''[https://pra-ndm.epri.com/ PRA Newly Developed Methods Wiki]'''</p>
'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Terry_Turbines Terry Turbines]'''</p>
Access: Public
Access: Member Only
With the issuance of Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 3 the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) endorsed the concept of a “Newly Developed Method (NDM)” for use in Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRAs). This Wiki shares information from previous evaluations within the industry specifically that have been provided to EPRI for inclusion in the Wiki. These evaluations of interest are those related to whether a PRA method is considered an NDM, and whether an NDM Peer review has been conducted to determine the technical adequacy of the method for inclusion in risk applications as necessary.
Terry turbines used in the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) and Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) systems are covered in this wiki. Basic system level information and turbine specific information is discussed.  EPRI reports are referenced and live linked when appropriate.
<p class="readmore>
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[https://pra-ndm.epri.com Read More]
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Terry_Turbines Read More]
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'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Mobile_Work_Management Mobile Work Management]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Electronic work packages (eWPs) have become a primary innovation vehicle for integrating work activities with basic plant workflow process and information systems currently used in the work management process. The EPRI NMAC recognizes the potential benefits that eWPs can provide and has promoted industry collaboration to drive this initiative since 2013.  This Wiki site was created to assist utilities with technical content needed to drive eWP success at the site.
<p class="readmore>
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Mobile_Work_Management Read More]
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'''[https://seismicpra.epri.com/Seismic_PRA Seismic PRA]'''</p>
'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/FLEX FLEX/Portable Equipment]'''</p>
Access: Public
Access: Member Only
The seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) Wiki summarizes a structured framework for the conduct of an SPRA analysis. This wiki is intended to serve the needs of a seismic risk analysis team by describing a structured framework for conduct of the overall analysis, as well as providing references to specific recommended practices to address each key aspect of the analysis. The wiki provides overall guidance, with an emphasis on seismic hazard analysis, SPRA systems analysis, equipment list development, fragility guidance, human reliability analysis, and model development and quantification.
The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the FLEX/portable equipment related documents into one easily accessible location for members who have interest/responsibility in/for FLEX/portable equipment . This wiki is the storage location for past Instant Benchmarking Requests (IBRs), industry best practice documents and anything else generated by the FLEX Industry Working Group.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://seismicpra.epri.com/Seismic_PRA Read More]
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/FLEX Read More]
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'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/3D_Applications NMAC 3D Applications]'''</p>
'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/CBM Condition Based Maintenance]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
EPRI 3D applications demonstrate the disassembly, reassembly, inspection and operation of specific power plant componentsThe applications consist of single mode or dual mode meaning they can be executed as a desktop application on a desktop/laptop computer and/or as a virtual reality (VR) application using a VR head-mounted display (HMD), such as the HTC VIVE.  
The CBM Wiki is a comprehensive page for all Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) technologies with focus on Acoustics, Infrared, Lubrication, and Vibration technologiesCBM stories such as Lube Notes, Vibe Notes and others are excellent sources of case histories and provide technical references for solving practical plant/industry issues.  Links to active EPRI reports are included as well as past meeting proceedings and materials.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/3D_Applications Read More]
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/CBM Read More]
=PRR - Balance of Plant (BOP) / Passive Components=
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'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Valves Valves]'''</p>
'''[https://selectiveleaching.epri.com Selective Leaching Wiki]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
The Valve wiki provides basic entry level information related to common valve and actuators found in the nuclear industry. Descriptions are provided within as well as basic design and maintenance related information.  EPRI technical reports are referenced within and include live links for quick access downloads.
This Wiki provides a consolidated source of information related to the topic of selective leaching degradation. Summarized information associated with this degradation mechanism, as well as NDE techniques, are included within. References and links are also provided to relevant EPRI research reports, as well as past EPRI meeting materials associated with the topic.
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<p class="readmore>
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Valves Read More]
[https://selectiveleaching.epri.com Read More]
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'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Terry_Turbines Terry Turbines]'''</p>
'''[https://condenser.epri.com/Main_Condenser_Overview Condenser Wiki Site]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
Terry turbines used in the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) and Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) systems are covered in this wiki. Basic system level information and Turbine specific information is discussedEPRI reports are referenced and live linked when appropriate.
The Condenser Wiki Site contains content from the Comprehensive Condenser Resource, Main Condenser Integrity Assessment Guide, and Condenser Application and Maintenance Guide, along with material from pertinent heat exchanger referencesThe material is organized by topic and enable users with a single, searchable, and easily accessible site dedicated to the topics of the main condenser. Because the Condenser Wiki is updated when new research or experience is available, the site should be beneficial for indoctrination of newer engineers and scientists as well as a resource for experienced professionals.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Terry_Turbines Read More]
[https://condenser.epri.com/Main_Condenser_Overview Read More]
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=PRR - Electrical=
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'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Mobile_Work_Management Mobile Work Management]'''</p>
'''[https://peer.epri.com/Cable_Aging PEER Cable Aging]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
Electronic work packages (eWPs) have become a primary innovation vehicle for integrating work activities with basic plant workflow process and information systems currently used in the work management process. The EPRI NMAC recognizes the potential benefits that eWPs can provide and has promoted industry collaboration to drive this initiative since 2013. This Wiki site was created to assist utilities with technical content needed to drive eWP success at the site.  
The PEER Cable Aging Wiki covers selected content from Instrument Cable, Low Voltage Power & Control Cable, and Medium Voltage Insulations Cable Polymer Handbooks, including Industry Background and History, Basic Cable Structure, Materials Used, Installation Process, Degradation Mechanisms, and Walkdown Inspections.
<p class="readmore>
[https://peer.epri.com/Cable_Aging Read More]
=PRR - Instrumentation and Control (I&C)=
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'''[https://icwiki.epri.com I&C Wiki]'''</p>
Access: Public
Facilitates access and knowledge transfer by housing information relating technical topics within the PRR - Instrumentation and Control (I&C) area. It is intended to be an informative resource that is updated continuously with new information produced or managed by EPRI.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/Mobile_Work_Management Read More]
[https://icwiki.epri.com Read More]
=PRR - Equipment Reliability (ER) and Related Processes=
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'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/FLEX FLEX]'''</p>
'''[https://pr.epri.com/PR/MRUG Maintenance Rule User's Group (MRUG)]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the FLEX related documents into one easily accessible location for members who have interest/responsibility in/for FLEX equipment . This wiki is the storage location for past Instant Benchmarking Requests (IBRs), industry best practice documents and anything else generated by the FLEX Industry Working Groups.
The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the MRUG meeting materials and member surveys into one easily accessible location for members. This wiki page will store past member benchmarking surveys and meeting material generated for the semi-annual MRUG meetings. Documents and other materials produced by the MRUG will be summarized within this Wiki and links will be provided from this page. This page is also intended to complement EPRI's [https://msites.epri.com/ms/research/065755/mrug Maintenance Rule User's Group Page] and [https://collab.epri.com/group/186/stream Collaboration] pages.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/FLEX Read More]
[https://pr.epri.com/PR/MRUG Read More]
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<p class="homelabel">
'''[https://pr.epri.com/PR/ERWG Equipment Reliability Working Group (ERWG)]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the Equipment Reliability Working Group (ERWG) meeting materials and member surveys into one easily accessible location for members. This wiki page will store past member benchmarking surveys and meeting material generated for the semi-annual ERWG meetings.
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[https://pr.epri.com/PR/ERWG Read More]
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'''[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/CBM CBM]'''</p>
'''[https://pr.epri.com/PR/SPV Single Point Vulnerability (SPV)]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
The CBM Wiki is a comprehensive page for all Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) technologies with focus on Acoustics, Infrared, Lubrication, and Vibration technologies.  CBM stories such as Lube Notes, Vibe Notes and others provide an excellent source of case histories and technical reference for solving practical plant/industry issues. Links to active EPRI reports are included as well as past meeting proceedings and materials.
This wiki is based on EPRI Report 3002029784, Single-Point Vulnerability Process Guide, Revision 2 and provides the detailed steps needed to develop, implement, and maintain an SPV program. A comprehensive SPV program will ensure that SPVs are identified and dispositioned appropriately to reduce the likelihood of an unplanned reactor scrams.
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<p class="readmore>
[https://nmac.epri.com/index.php/NMAC/CBM Read More]
[https://pr.epri.com/PR/SPV Read More]
=PRR - Nuclear Procurement Processes=
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=Risk and Safety Management (RSM)=
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'''[https://peer.epri.com/Cable_Aging/Cable_Aging PEER Cable Aging]'''</p>
'''[https://pra-apps.epri.com PRA Applications]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
The PEER Cable Aging Wiki covers selected content from Instrument Cable, Low Voltage Power & Control Cable, and Medium Voltage Insulations Cable Polymer Handbooks, including Industry Background and History, Basic Cable Structure, Materials Used, Installation Process, Degradation Mechanisms, and Walkdown Inspections.
The PRA Applications Wiki provides an introduction to the wide applications of PRA in the nuclear industry. This serves the needs of the global PRA community, providing a clear description, purpose, and rationale for each application. Both voluntary and regulatory PRA applications are described and this overview distinguishes those that require license-basis changes. References to more technical information provide a resource to expand your knowledge further.
<p class="readmore>
[https://pra-apps.epri.com Read More]
<div class="fixed">
<p class="homelabel">
'''[https://firepra.epri.com/index.php?title=Fire_PRA_Methodology Fire PRA]'''</p>
Access: Public
The Fire PRA Wiki summarizes a structured framework for the conduct of a Fire PRA analysis. This supports your fire risk analysis team by providing an introduction to EPRI 1011989 / NUREG/CR-6850, updated with the latest information. The methodology addresses a Fire PRA that focuses on a Level 1 PRA (Core Damage Frequency) with consideration of Large Early Release Frequency. Additional references to specific recommended practices are provided, which address each key aspect of the analysis.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://peer.epri.com/Cable_Aging/Cable_Aging Read More]
[https://firepra.epri.com/index.php?title=Fire_PRA_Methodology Read More]
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'''[https://selectiveleaching.epri.com Selective Leaching Wiki]'''</p>
'''[https://pra-ndm.epri.com/  PRA Newly Developed Methods Wiki]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Public
With the issuance of Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 3 the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) endorsed the concept of a “Newly Developed Method (NDM)” for use in Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRAs). This Wiki shares information from previous evaluations within the industry specifically that have been provided to EPRI for inclusion in the Wiki. These evaluations of interest are those related to whether a PRA method is considered an NDM, and whether an NDM Peer review has been conducted to determine the technical adequacy of the method for inclusion in risk applications as necessary.
<p class="readmore>
[https://pra-ndm.epri.com Read More]
This Wiki provides a consolidated source of information related to the topic of selective leaching degradation. Summarized information associated with this degradation mechanism, as well as NDE techniques, are included within. References and links are also provided to relevant EPRI research reports, as well as past EPRI meeting materials associated with the topic.
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<p class="homelabel">
'''[https://seismicpra.epri.com/Seismic_PRA Seismic PRA]'''</p>
Access: Public
The seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) Wiki summarizes a structured framework for the conduct of an SPRA analysis. This wiki is intended to serve the needs of a seismic risk analysis team by describing a structured framework for conduct of the overall analysis, as well as providing references to specific recommended practices to address each key aspect of the analysis.  The wiki provides overall guidance, with an emphasis on seismic hazard analysis, SPRA systems analysis, equipment list development, fragility guidance, human reliability analysis, and model development and quantification.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://selectiveleaching.epri.com Read More]
[https://seismicpra.epri.com/Seismic_PRA Read More]
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<p class="homelabel">
'''[https://highwindpra.epri.com High Wind PRA]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
The EPRI High Winds (HW) Wiki lists relevant regulatory and methodological history of high wind risk analysis for nuclear power plants and provides references to relevant documents. This wiki is intended to be further developed to serve the needs of an HW risk analysis team by describing a structured framework for conduct of the overall analysis, as well as providing references to specific recommended practices to address each key aspect of the analysis.
<p class="readmore>
[https://highwindpra.epri.com/ Read More]
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<p class="homelabel">
'''[https://condenser.epri.com/Main_Condenser_Overview Condenser Wiki Site]'''</p>
'''[https://praguidance.epri.com PRA Software Guidance]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
The Condenser Wiki Site contains content from the Comprehensive Condenser Resource, Main Condenser Integrity Assessment Guide, and Condenser Application and Maintenance Guide, along with material from pertinent heat exchanger references. The material is organized by topic and enable users with a single, searchable, and easily accessible site dedicated to the topics of the main condenser. Because the Condenser Wiki is updated when new research or experience is available, the site should be beneficial for indoctrination of newer engineers and scientists as well as a resource for experienced professionals.
This PRA Software Guidance wiki provides recommendations and guidance for using the EPRI PRA software. The EPRI software is designed to be very flexible to support a variety of research in the creating and applying PRA models. In many cases, this diverse set of features can be confusing or can lead to creation of models that cause problems in subsequent applications. Although there is rarely a "best way" to create a PRA model, some techniques will make the software more efficient or enable certain features. This wiki is designed to share these insights with the users.
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://condenser.epri.com/Main_Condenser_Overview Read More]
[https://praguidance.epri.com Read More]
=Plant Reliability and Resilience=
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'''[https://pramethods.epri.com PRA Methods]'''</p>
Access: Public and Member
Knowledge of the methods used in in the U.S. nuclear industry is in many cases distributed amongst different entities with various degrees of information availability and communication. This wiki provides a centralized, publicly available industry catalog for PRA methods in use.
<p class="readmore>
[https://pramethods.epri.com Read More]
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'''[https://pr.epri.com/PR/MRUG Maintenance Rule User's Group (MRUG)]'''</p>
'''[https://ramtar.epri.com Risk Analysis Methods and Tools for Advanced Reactors (RAMTAR)]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Public
The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the MRUG meeting materials and member surveys into one easily accessible location for members. This wiki page will store past member benchmarking surveys and meeting material generated for the semi-annual MRUG meetings. Documents and other materials produced by the MRUG will be summarized within this Wiki and links will be provided from this page. This page is also intended to complement EPRI's [https://msites.epri.com/ms/research/065755/mrug Maintenance Rule User's Group Page].
Outlines past, present, and future research for advanced reactors by describing a wide range of risk analysis methods and tools that are applicable to various reactor designs, as well as providing references regulations, guidance, and research projects.
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<p class="readmore>
[https://pr.epri.com/PR/MRUG Read More]
[https://ramtar.epri.com Read More]
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=Plant Modernization=
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'''[https://pr.epri.com/PR/ERWG Equipment Reliability Working Group (ERWG)]'''</p>
'''[https://nuclearplantmod.epri.com Plant Modernization Toolkit]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
Access: Member Only
The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the Equipment Reliability Working Group (ERWG) meeting materials and member surveys into one easily accessible location for members. This wiki page will store past member benchmarking surveys and meeting material generated for the semi-annual ERWG meetings.
The Plant Modernization Toolbox is meant to be a resource to facilitate decision making and execution of the modernization process at nuclear power plants (NPPs). The Toolbox includes a variety of tools and aids to assist NPPs to identify and evaluate cost savings from technology and process improvements.  
<p class="readmore>
<p class="readmore>
[https://pr.epri.com/PR/ERWG Read More]
[https://dx-wiki.epri.com/DX Read More]
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<p class="homelabel">
'''[https://dx-wiki.epri.com/DX Digital Transformation Wiki]'''</p>
Access: Member Only
EPRI’s Digital transformation Wiki was created for the purpose of having a centralized repository to link all of the research that EPRI does related to this topic.
<p class="readmore>
[https://dx-wiki.epri.com/DX Read More]
Coming Soon
=Record of Revisions=
=Record of Revisions=
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|4 || 11/28/2022 || Seismic PRA Wiki Added
|4 || 11/28/2022 || Seismic PRA Wiki Added
|5 || 4/27/2023 || Plant Reliability and Resilience, MRUG, ERWG Added
|6 || 8/22/2023 || SPV Added
|7 || 12/12/2023 || High Wind PRA and PRA Software Guidance Added
|8 || 12/20/2023 || Editorial revisions to reflect PRR  and Plant Modernization Program structures
|9 || 7/26/2024 || RAMTAR Added
|10 || 8/6/2024 || I&C Wiki Added

Latest revision as of 12:10, 23 August 2024

Revision 10

Welcome to the central link to the wiki pages available from EPRI's Nuclear Engineering and Plant Performance Department.

EPRI's Nuclear Engineering and Plant Performance Department is comprised of three research programs:

  • Plant Reliability and Resilience (PRR) Program - provides research supporting reliable and resilient operations of components, systems, and the nuclear plant, as a whole. This work covers mechanical, electrical, and I&C and addresses maintenance, engineering, and programmatic guidance and best practices.
  • Operating Plant Initiatives (OPI) - includes major project initiatives that the plant may undertake during plant life such as Plant Modernization, Longterm Operations (LTO), and Power Uprates (PUR).

Links to individual wikis developed by each of these programs are provides below. The search function above can be used to search across all of these wikis.

Plant Reliability and Resilience (PRR)

The reliability and resilience of plant systems and components is critical to the safe and effective operation of all nuclear plants. The Plant Reliability and Resilience (PRR) Program encompasses a diverse set of research activities related to the mechanical, electrical, and instrumentation and control components and systems in use at nuclear power plants, along with the maintenance and engineering processes and programs that manage this equipment. As of 2024, EPRI’s Plant Reliability and Resilience Program includes all the research formally delivered by EPRI’s Nuclear Maintenance Application Center (NMAC), Plant Engineering (PE) Program, and Instrumentation and Control (I&C) Program and can be categorized into:

  • PRR - Nuclear Maintenance / Active Components
  • PRR - Balance of Plant (BOP) / Passive Components
  • PRR - Electrical
  • PRR - Instrumentation and Control (I&C)
  • PRR - Equipment Reliability (ER) and Related Processes
  • PRR - Procurement Processes

PRR - Nuclear Maintenance / Active Components

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Component 3D Applications

Access: Member Only

EPRI 3D applications demonstrate the disassembly, reassembly, inspection and operation of specific power plant components. The applications consist of single mode or dual mode meaning they can be executed as a desktop application on a desktop/laptop computer and/or as a virtual reality (VR) application using a VR head-mounted display (HMD), such as the HTC VIVE.

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Access: Member Only

The Valve wiki provides basic entry level information related to common valve and actuators found in the nuclear industry. Descriptions are provided within as well as basic design and maintenance related information. EPRI technical reports are referenced within and include live links for quick access downloads.

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Terry Turbines

Access: Member Only

Terry turbines used in the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling (RCIC) and Auxiliary Feedwater (AFW) systems are covered in this wiki. Basic system level information and turbine specific information is discussed. EPRI reports are referenced and live linked when appropriate.

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Mobile Work Management

Access: Member Only

Electronic work packages (eWPs) have become a primary innovation vehicle for integrating work activities with basic plant workflow process and information systems currently used in the work management process. The EPRI NMAC recognizes the potential benefits that eWPs can provide and has promoted industry collaboration to drive this initiative since 2013. This Wiki site was created to assist utilities with technical content needed to drive eWP success at the site.

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FLEX/Portable Equipment

Access: Member Only

The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the FLEX/portable equipment related documents into one easily accessible location for members who have interest/responsibility in/for FLEX/portable equipment . This wiki is the storage location for past Instant Benchmarking Requests (IBRs), industry best practice documents and anything else generated by the FLEX Industry Working Group.

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Condition Based Maintenance

Access: Member Only

The CBM Wiki is a comprehensive page for all Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) technologies with focus on Acoustics, Infrared, Lubrication, and Vibration technologies. CBM stories such as Lube Notes, Vibe Notes and others are excellent sources of case histories and provide technical references for solving practical plant/industry issues. Links to active EPRI reports are included as well as past meeting proceedings and materials.

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PRR - Balance of Plant (BOP) / Passive Components

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Selective Leaching Wiki

Access: Member Only

This Wiki provides a consolidated source of information related to the topic of selective leaching degradation. Summarized information associated with this degradation mechanism, as well as NDE techniques, are included within. References and links are also provided to relevant EPRI research reports, as well as past EPRI meeting materials associated with the topic.

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Condenser Wiki Site

Access: Member Only

The Condenser Wiki Site contains content from the Comprehensive Condenser Resource, Main Condenser Integrity Assessment Guide, and Condenser Application and Maintenance Guide, along with material from pertinent heat exchanger references. The material is organized by topic and enable users with a single, searchable, and easily accessible site dedicated to the topics of the main condenser. Because the Condenser Wiki is updated when new research or experience is available, the site should be beneficial for indoctrination of newer engineers and scientists as well as a resource for experienced professionals.

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PRR - Electrical

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PEER Cable Aging

Access: Member Only

The PEER Cable Aging Wiki covers selected content from Instrument Cable, Low Voltage Power & Control Cable, and Medium Voltage Insulations Cable Polymer Handbooks, including Industry Background and History, Basic Cable Structure, Materials Used, Installation Process, Degradation Mechanisms, and Walkdown Inspections.

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PRR - Instrumentation and Control (I&C)


I&C Wiki

Access: Public

Facilitates access and knowledge transfer by housing information relating technical topics within the PRR - Instrumentation and Control (I&C) area. It is intended to be an informative resource that is updated continuously with new information produced or managed by EPRI.

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PRR - Equipment Reliability (ER) and Related Processes


Maintenance Rule User's Group (MRUG)

Access: Member Only

The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the MRUG meeting materials and member surveys into one easily accessible location for members. This wiki page will store past member benchmarking surveys and meeting material generated for the semi-annual MRUG meetings. Documents and other materials produced by the MRUG will be summarized within this Wiki and links will be provided from this page. This page is also intended to complement EPRI's Maintenance Rule User's Group Page and Collaboration pages.

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Equipment Reliability Working Group (ERWG)

Access: Member Only

The purpose of this wiki is to gather all the Equipment Reliability Working Group (ERWG) meeting materials and member surveys into one easily accessible location for members. This wiki page will store past member benchmarking surveys and meeting material generated for the semi-annual ERWG meetings.

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Single Point Vulnerability (SPV)

Access: Member Only

This wiki is based on EPRI Report 3002029784, Single-Point Vulnerability Process Guide, Revision 2 and provides the detailed steps needed to develop, implement, and maintain an SPV program. A comprehensive SPV program will ensure that SPVs are identified and dispositioned appropriately to reduce the likelihood of an unplanned reactor scrams.

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PRR - Nuclear Procurement Processes

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EPRI Procurement Information Center (EPIC)

Access: Member Only

EPIC contains technical information related to nuclear procurement and supply chain, research focus areas within the Nuclear Plant Engineering Program at EPRI. It’s organized by major activities in the procurement process. The activity-specific pages provide brief descriptions of each activity as well as links to EPRI guidance and training that is available for performing the activity, industry surveys relating to the activity, and related presentations that have been given at past JUTG meetings.

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Risk and Safety Management (RSM)

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PRA Applications

Access: Member Only

The PRA Applications Wiki provides an introduction to the wide applications of PRA in the nuclear industry. This serves the needs of the global PRA community, providing a clear description, purpose, and rationale for each application. Both voluntary and regulatory PRA applications are described and this overview distinguishes those that require license-basis changes. References to more technical information provide a resource to expand your knowledge further.

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Fire PRA

Access: Public

The Fire PRA Wiki summarizes a structured framework for the conduct of a Fire PRA analysis. This supports your fire risk analysis team by providing an introduction to EPRI 1011989 / NUREG/CR-6850, updated with the latest information. The methodology addresses a Fire PRA that focuses on a Level 1 PRA (Core Damage Frequency) with consideration of Large Early Release Frequency. Additional references to specific recommended practices are provided, which address each key aspect of the analysis.

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PRA Newly Developed Methods Wiki

Access: Public

With the issuance of Regulatory Guide 1.200, Revision 3 the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) endorsed the concept of a “Newly Developed Method (NDM)” for use in Probabilistic Risk Assessments (PRAs). This Wiki shares information from previous evaluations within the industry specifically that have been provided to EPRI for inclusion in the Wiki. These evaluations of interest are those related to whether a PRA method is considered an NDM, and whether an NDM Peer review has been conducted to determine the technical adequacy of the method for inclusion in risk applications as necessary.

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Seismic PRA

Access: Public

The seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA) Wiki summarizes a structured framework for the conduct of an SPRA analysis. This wiki is intended to serve the needs of a seismic risk analysis team by describing a structured framework for conduct of the overall analysis, as well as providing references to specific recommended practices to address each key aspect of the analysis. The wiki provides overall guidance, with an emphasis on seismic hazard analysis, SPRA systems analysis, equipment list development, fragility guidance, human reliability analysis, and model development and quantification.

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High Wind PRA

Access: Member Only

The EPRI High Winds (HW) Wiki lists relevant regulatory and methodological history of high wind risk analysis for nuclear power plants and provides references to relevant documents. This wiki is intended to be further developed to serve the needs of an HW risk analysis team by describing a structured framework for conduct of the overall analysis, as well as providing references to specific recommended practices to address each key aspect of the analysis.

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PRA Software Guidance

Access: Member Only

This PRA Software Guidance wiki provides recommendations and guidance for using the EPRI PRA software. The EPRI software is designed to be very flexible to support a variety of research in the creating and applying PRA models. In many cases, this diverse set of features can be confusing or can lead to creation of models that cause problems in subsequent applications. Although there is rarely a "best way" to create a PRA model, some techniques will make the software more efficient or enable certain features. This wiki is designed to share these insights with the users.

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PRA Methods

Access: Public and Member

Knowledge of the methods used in in the U.S. nuclear industry is in many cases distributed amongst different entities with various degrees of information availability and communication. This wiki provides a centralized, publicly available industry catalog for PRA methods in use.

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Risk Analysis Methods and Tools for Advanced Reactors (RAMTAR)

Access: Public

Outlines past, present, and future research for advanced reactors by describing a wide range of risk analysis methods and tools that are applicable to various reactor designs, as well as providing references regulations, guidance, and research projects.

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Plant Modernization


Plant Modernization Toolkit

Access: Member Only

The Plant Modernization Toolbox is meant to be a resource to facilitate decision making and execution of the modernization process at nuclear power plants (NPPs). The Toolbox includes a variety of tools and aids to assist NPPs to identify and evaluate cost savings from technology and process improvements.

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Digital Transformation Wiki

Access: Member Only

EPRI’s Digital transformation Wiki was created for the purpose of having a centralized repository to link all of the research that EPRI does related to this topic.

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Record of Revisions

Number Date Description of Changes
0 7/27/2021 Initial Release
1 12/10/2021 Added PRA-NDM, NMAC-CBM, NMAC-FLEX
2 4/1/2022 Selective Leaching Added
3 11/28/2022 Condenser Wiki Added
4 11/28/2022 Seismic PRA Wiki Added
5 4/27/2023 Plant Reliability and Resilience, MRUG, ERWG Added
6 8/22/2023 SPV Added
7 12/12/2023 High Wind PRA and PRA Software Guidance Added
8 12/20/2023 Editorial revisions to reflect PRR and Plant Modernization Program structures
9 7/26/2024 RAMTAR Added
10 8/6/2024 I&C Wiki Added